Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Valentine's day.

Yes, Valentine's day is approaching. The day where poor guys dread and girls giggle with joy, as guys give girls expensive gifts to show off how rich they are. I remember, in primary school, if you profess your love to someone you like in class, you will be jeered, ostracized and whatever you can think off. Now, in secondary school, it's a different story. If you don't have a girlfriend, you will be deemed as a loser. Indeed, I fall under that category. Laugh all you want. Ridicule me. Yes, I'm an old ugly fart. I'm a fat loser, sitting at the computer desk with one scratching my humoungous sweaty ass.

So, throwing all my pride to the winds : Anyone wants to be my valentine? It's a pointless question, I know. No one will be my valentine. =(


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