Good Friday.
Merry Good Friday. Or at least, approach a stranger and say "Karninarh! Jesus revive today leh!" And that stranger will just give you a "Are you crazy" look or just ignore you. But, I don't see the happiness in seeing someone die.
I just don't see the thing worth celebrating in someone's death. If we had to celebrate someone's death everytime, there won't be school. I can see that, one day after the other, we open bottles of champagne and splash it over one another and hearing shrieks of joy. I would most probably sit in a corner and shake my head.
And karninarh, imagine. Every year, Singapore celebrates Good Friday. It simply means every year, when we have Good Friday, Jesus will be forced to have the "Last Supper" or whatever supper shit with his family or people in heaven and then die today. Two days later, which is easter's day, the Almighty God, Jesus's father, sends a easter rabbit to plant coloured eggs of all sorts so that he Almighty Son will rise again.
After doing this post, I've discovered something. If I see coloured eggs lying around my hometown, I'll just have to hatch it, like how Thomas Edison or whichever mad scientist who got famous for sitting on a egg. EH I ALSO CAN SIT ON EGG OK. HOW COME I NOT FAMOUS ARH?
I hate Good Friday. Makes me confuse Friday as Saturday. WHY MUST JESUS DIE ON A FRIDAY. CAN'T HE DIE ON A SATURDAY? THEN I WON'T BE CONFUSED. No offence to all catholics or christians out there, but Good Friday is just one day where people take a break from work and open a bottle of champagne and celebrate. Not where all races gather in churches and spray champagne at each other.
I just don't see the thing worth celebrating in someone's death. If we had to celebrate someone's death everytime, there won't be school. I can see that, one day after the other, we open bottles of champagne and splash it over one another and hearing shrieks of joy. I would most probably sit in a corner and shake my head.
And karninarh, imagine. Every year, Singapore celebrates Good Friday. It simply means every year, when we have Good Friday, Jesus will be forced to have the "Last Supper" or whatever supper shit with his family or people in heaven and then die today. Two days later, which is easter's day, the Almighty God, Jesus's father, sends a easter rabbit to plant coloured eggs of all sorts so that he Almighty Son will rise again.
After doing this post, I've discovered something. If I see coloured eggs lying around my hometown, I'll just have to hatch it, like how Thomas Edison or whichever mad scientist who got famous for sitting on a egg. EH I ALSO CAN SIT ON EGG OK. HOW COME I NOT FAMOUS ARH?
I hate Good Friday. Makes me confuse Friday as Saturday. WHY MUST JESUS DIE ON A FRIDAY. CAN'T HE DIE ON A SATURDAY? THEN I WON'T BE CONFUSED. No offence to all catholics or christians out there, but Good Friday is just one day where people take a break from work and open a bottle of champagne and celebrate. Not where all races gather in churches and spray champagne at each other.
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