Today, I'm gonna introduce this awesome website to you non-existent readers. Yes, copy the title and paste it in your URL. Yes, before you close your browser down, allow me to show you why this website is the sex.
Go to
Search for the word "Melvin", and this pops out first. It made me laugh for quite sometime.
1. | Melvin |  | 247 up, 67 down |  | |
| A severely odd and uncool person. A wimp or a tool. Mom, why do I have to play in the marching band? All the band kids are frickin' Melvins. |
Wow, I'm speechless.
Next up, we have the word, "Kingston".
2. | Kingston |  | 1 thumb up |  | |
| 1.) Picturesque, historically significant small city (technically a town) on the eastern end of Lake Ontario.
2.) Soul-destroyingly boring place to live.
3.) A great place to take a shit. Lucky for us, Kingston was halfway between Toronto and Montreal (or Ottawa and Toronto, for that matter). Sure beats taking a crap in Napanee. |
I'm totally speechless.
3. Second last word, we have the word "James".
6. | james |  | 55 up, 132 down |  | |
| a derogatory term for someone who is a homosexual. "look at peter, he is such a james" |
I'm so glad that 132 people disagreed with this meaning. There is a high chance that their names must be James.
4. Last but not least, we have the word "Ming". It has the most variations of meanings.
5. | ming |  | 3 up, 8 down |  | |
| schoolboy bitch teacher hired by the U.S. Pres. to infiltrate students confidence and rat their drug habits out oral fixation, its an addiction said ming. |
Now we know, why American kids do not have any drug habits. (This is a joke)
6. | ming |  | 13 up, 18 down |  | |
| Another word for shit, predominately used as a verb Hector: "WHOA, I have to ming really bad" Lionel: "So your saying you have to lay a dynasty?" |
What more can I say? Instead of saying "shit!", you can start saying "ming!"! Now your mom won't know what you are saying.
7. | ming |  | 18 up, 26 down |  | |
| A person who has no talent and little knowledge of the job that they perform. A totally useless person who only exists by getting others to do his work for him. A commercial parasite. The new I.T. Manager is a total Ming, he spends all day downloading porn! |
The porn part resembles someone I know. Seriously.
The last one is so zomgwtfbqliekliekh4x that I don't think you people will believe it and call me a liar.
4. | ming |  | 45 up, 49 down |  | |
| A human who possesses limitless knowledge and infinite wisdom. His name sends shivers down the spines of all and may only be uttered under the breath of a whisper. His aura alone makes people shit themself. Daddy, I want to be like Ming when I grow up and be worshipped by followers.
Don't be silly no mere mortal can be as godly as the great and merciful Ming. | . |
| |
Somehow, I feel that Ming Han wrote this meaning himself.
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