Monday, June 18, 2007

A scandal. (Continued)

One day, Tom(that's his name) decides to do something outrageous. Picking up the sanitary pad in the bin, he kept it in his bag. "No one will find out if one used sanitary pad is gone. More space in the bin, and makes me all the more happier!" Tom thought to himself happily. He took a few more whiffs before stuffing the sanitary pad in his bag.

Day by day, he stole used sanitary pads. Scavenging in bins like a beggar looking for leftovers or aluminium cans to sell, he dug for sanitary pads. After a month, he scavenged enough to fill a huge black garbage bag full of sanitary pads.

And out of respect of a friend, I decided to end this story. Sorry for asking you to ask a really sensitive question from your female friends. I apologise. Sorry, Ming.