Thursday, February 07, 2008

Ten stupidest things I've done in my life.

Since it's like, New Year now, I've decided to do some sort of reflection like shit. I mean, since I'm eighteen and shit and my brain decided to go emo and shit and recalled some shit unconciously. So, I'm gonna list the ten things I recalled today in no particular order.

1. Believing that idols are spelt as I-D-I-O-T-S. Might I say that I was eight at that time and it was my sister who gave me the spelling for that.

2. Developed a kind of hate for cars with manual cars for no particular reason at all. 
I hated manual cars so much that I spat at cars with manual gears wherever I went.

3. Lost my sister's keys when I sneaked out of the house just to buy pokemon cards.

4. Stole money from my father in the same year too. (2000)

5. Took higher chinese and failed miserably in most of my spellings, tests and 
exams. Thank god, there was no dictation for higher chinese then.

6. Still playing pokemon cards in secondary one and two, instead of interacting with chicks of my age.

7. Stupidly believed my friend that there was a Pasar Malam store in 201 that 
sold pirated playstation games and walked around for 1 hour to no avail.

8. Surfed porn late at night and almost got caught by my dad. No thanks 
to my laggy Dell, which managed to alt tab in the last minute.

9. Reformatted my Dell whenever it lagged. I think I reformatted it over 20 times? Sorry, my memory sucks.

10. Watched a group of cute Japanese girls do stupid things on TV instead of studying like normal students do. I'd hate to admit that, but I religiously watch their videos the first thing I woke up in the morning then. Yes it was that bad.

After reading what I wrote, I think most of the points are not-so-stupid but still quite stupid afterall.

Sunday, February 03, 2008


Finally, reaching the stage where almost everyone wants to be. 18, where cigarettes and alchol are no longer out of reach to you. Same goes for movies. Fuck off NC16, hello M18. Oh, and thanks, T08, for getting the photobook I wanted.