Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Forbidden Kingdom.

The not-so-latest action film to hit the Singapore cinemas, and I watched it today. To be
honest, I'm glad that I spent only 5 bucks on the tickets to watch the movie. Phrases that stuck
to me after watching is

"Gate of no gate", pretty much explains the rumoured staircase in design school that leads to another dimension. Maybe it should be named as "Stairs of no stairs".

Maybe that's the only phrase that made quite an impact. I am also particularly amused by the
fact that how the chinese people can speak english in that period of time, when the Chinese there
is no western influence in the film.

Before I forget, Crystal Liu Yi Fei >>> Li Bing Bing.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


School started yesterday, and it is filled with freshies taking their timetable wandering around TP,
wondering which block is which. Enough of freshies walking, cause I'm sure no one wants to know 
how to differentiate freshies from the rest. School sucks as usual and this place is sure gonna be 
gone if I don't have interesting shit to update here.